結果:痔瘻による直腸肛門周囲膿瘍は418人で、痔瘻のない直腸肛門周囲膿瘍は96人であった。細菌培養検査によると、大腸菌、Bacteroides属、Bacillus属とKlebsiella属が痔瘻を有する患者で有意に高率に同定された(P<0.01)。そして、Coagulase-negative StaphylococcusとPeptostreptococcus属が痔瘻を伴わない患者で有意に高率に陽性であった(P<0.01)。一方、経肛門超音波検査の正診率は94%であった。
Background and aims: Treatment of anorectal sepsis requires prompt surgical drainage, but it is important to identify any associated anal fistula for preventing recurrence. We evaluated whether microbiological analysis and/or endoanal ultrasonography could be used to predict anal fistula in patients with acute anorectal sepsis.
Methods: 514 consecutive patients with acute anorectal sepsis were studied. Clinical data, digital examination findings, endosonographic findings and results of microbiological analysis were compared with definitive surgical findings of the presence or absence of anal fistula.
Results: Anorectal abscess with anal fistula was found in 418 patients, and anorectal abscess without anal fistula was found in 96 patients. Microbiological examination showed that Escherichia coli, Bacteroides, Bacillus and Klebsiella species were significantly more prevalent in patients with fistula (P<0.01), and coagulase-negative Staphylococci and Peptostreptococcus species were significantly more prevalent in patients without fistula (P<0.01). Results of endoanal ultrasonography were concordant with the definitive surgical diagnosis in 421 (94%) of 448 patients studied.
Conclusion: Acute anorectal sepsis due to colonization of ‘gut-derived’ microorganisms rather than ‘skin-derived’ organisms is more likely to be associated with anal fistula. When the microbiological analysis yields ‘gut-derived’ bacteria but no fistula has been found in the initial drainage operation, repeat examinations during a period of quiescence, including careful digital assessment and meticulous endosonography, are warranted to identify a potentially missed anal fistula.
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